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Risk is everyday, everywhere!

In The "Time Now" Is Now! and Sky Cafe, I talked about how disappointed I was with myself (and in truth, with others as well) that the last time that we posted in Victory's social media was in December 2020. What prompted my firm decision to write something everyday and put it out there no matter what?

(1) Keng Hwee and I were in a zoom chat with a retired Professional, and perhaps because he was a Senior (an experienced Senior who has worked in the industry for many years), he did not give us face when he shamed Victory as being an unknown start-up. I was upset not because he was right, but because everyone in my team already knows it, but we are not doubling or tripling up our efforts to put it (Victory) out there no matter what! So this elderly gentleman said he agrees that Risk Management was a necessity and it should be undertaken by both individuals and corporates. He was very generous and he invited us all to contribute articles to his community to spread awareness about Risk Management.

(2) As you know, we hired a Train-The-Trainer (TTT) adult educator, Linda, to modernize our training delivery methods. You can read more about her in ****. By the way, **** means that I have not written the post, but I will do so. Too many things need my attention, but I am trying my best. Please bear with me, my dear readers! Back to Linda's teachings, no learner will be bored to his/her eyeballs attending trainings conducted by Victory. This is my promise to you! My team are trainers of tomorrow,  equipped with the right skillset and trained by the very best! I made sure of that! Anyway, through Linda, we got to know another generous-hearted trainer, YT and he used the same sentence that I told Anthony many years ago: "put it out there (where the world can see it), not inside your computer (where nobody will)". It must be his good chi and energy, somehow hearing the same words from him back to us (me), it was A Breakthrough Moment and it spurred me (yang metal) into action! Wah, YT, Power! 

(3) I'm stuck. It does not look like my Parents-In-Law can do more, or Anthony can do more, or my helper can do more. After struggling for so long, and finally convincing everyone that we must help one another as a family to succeed together, I realised that they have already propelled me to the highest plateau. Boy, that was quick! You know why? THIS IS NO PLATEAU! I could have reached here by myself anyway! But what can I do? They are already trying their best, no matter that their best to me is a miserable attempt at group effort to accomplish my big dream! Moving forward, the only 'variable' in my life is my helper and myself. You read in **** that changing helpers, no matter how bad their performance, is a risky and bad decision for anyone stuck in my situation. The last thing I need is a completely new helper who does not even know where the forks and the spoons are kept in the kitchen cupboards! So once again, the one who can make a difference to myself is only me! Back to square one! 

#appliedriskmanagement #makefengshuiwork #successwithvictory 

Katherinne Kuan Posted by Katherinne Kuan

Feng Shui Practitioner