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Risk Management Is Boring

I never want Victory's website to talk about stuffy and serious things. Oh, I'll hate that. Old-fashioned ways of doing important things - boring! Now that I am hitting 50, I would really love to celebrate my very colorful life! But hanging around with my team of serious Risk Management Practitioners does have an effect on me, and this appended post almost became my inaugural post from The "Time Now" Is Now. Choy!


a boring definition of risk


Indeed, as I was trying to find a title for this post, I Googled the words "risk boring" and the phrase "Risk Management boring" came out tops in most-searched words. Let me try to shed some light on this misconception. The First Thing About Risk is that it is not limited to the corporate world, or to any industry. But I understand that it is the way that most people relate***Risk Management to. 

I'll tell you a story. I remember back in Year 2019, my landlord brought me to his friend's manufacturing firm in Defu Industrial Estate. A few days before, he told me that out of all his friends and contacts, this friend would have the highest chance of saying yes to implementing a Risk Management framework. I was curious why. He said that this friend has a statue of Kuan Gong, placed in a high place in the office area. In addition, the friend would donate without fail, a substantial amount of his firm's earnings to charity every year. My landlord said in his matter-of-fact voice: "Why would someone want to donate a big sum of money away? It is to dispel obstacles and to invite good luck!"

My landlord is almost 100 years old and he is a Practicing Accountant in spite of his age. He is a distinguished member of a Clan in Singapore, and he was the Guest-of-Honour invited to dot the dance lion's eyes in the Clan's annual dinner celebration. This was just before Covid, of course. So his matter-of-fact words are Words of Gold

Remember the retired Senior Professional who invited us to spread awareness that Risk is everyday, everywhere in his Facebook community page (with a huge fan club)? I knew that getting any of my trainers to write in his pages on a regular basis would be pretty hard. You may think that it is because (1) they are busy, (2) they don't like to write or (3) they don't know what to write. No lah! The reason is because it is always hard to depend on other people to do a job, any job! Wash toilet, change the rabbit cage, supervise the maid. LOL! 

I promised the gentleman that I would come up with Risk Management articles. Welcome to a World Of Gold***! My dear reader, did you know that you can also write in and share with us how you manage risks in your personal life, in your love life, in your family life, and/or at work? Welcome! If you have time to read my articles, it means that you are doing an excellent job managing your risks. Otherwise you will be too busy fire-fighting them, and you don't even have time to sit down! We have all been through that!

Good job, all of us! We did it! Do share your experiences with me!

#appliedriskmanagement #makefengshuiwork #successwithvictory

Katherinne Kuan Posted by Katherinne Kuan

Feng Shui Practitioner