Anthony Lim

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Anthony Lim
Anthony Lim
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Market Overview
Last Update Region Index Name PD Close 12M High 12M Low 1 Year Return Graph
2019-04-18 US S&P500 2,905 2,931 2,351 7.2%
2019-04-19 Asia Nikkei225 22,201 24,271 19,156 -0.3%
2019-04-19 Asia ShanghaiSEComposite 3,271 3,271 2,464 4.3%
2019-04-18 Asia HangSengIndex 29,963 31,541 24,586 -2.8%
2019-04-18 Asia BSESENSEX 39,140 39,276 33,349 13.8%
2019-04-18 Asia StraitsTimesIndex 3,348 3,615 2,966 -5.9%
Demand for oil is unlikely to go up if pandemic persist...
Business and Risk, what should private companies focus on? Find out more.  ..

All companies should understand their internal & external factors to monitor their compliance obligations: 

Is there a systematic and effective method where organization can implement a robust risk management framework? 'The 10-Step Risk Checklist (TM)', a step- by-step guide allows any organization to put in place a framework that works. From Three Lines of Defense to Determining Risk Appetite to Identifying Risks to Process Mapping to Key Controls, these 5 Steps lay the foundation of a good risk management framework. The Next 5 Steps embeds the framework. Key Risk Indicators tracks exposure, Incident Management manages crisis, Risk Assessment, Communication and Bringing exposure within Appetite..
Lessons Learnt From Covid-19 on HR and Risk Management:  ..
How to create a historical loss distribution table and distribution profile. Check out the video: #successwithvictory #riskmanagement #appliedriskmanagement..
What are some of the good characteristics of Key Risk Indicators? Relevant to the risk, predictive, easy to collate data and quantify. Staff turnover rate, number of customer complaints, number of processing errors are typical KRIs that all organisations should track. Does your organisation monitor KRIs? #successwithvictory #riskmanagement #appliedriskmanagement..
Risk Appetite Statement (RAS), represents the nature and scale of risk an organization is willing to pursue in achieving its strategic objectives. What are some of the benefits of having RAS? a) Strengthen governance and improve risk culture b) Set a threshold that will guide all business decisions and risk-taking activities c) Allow for good allocation of resources d) Ability to translate Risk Appetite into business decision Have you thought about what is the appropriate level of Risk for your Organisation? #appliedriskmanagement #successwithvictory..
The current Covid-19 pandemic outbreak has not just brought out the paramount importance of personnel safety and operational resiliency, but also COMPLIANCE which is one of the key words that may be overlooked.  Safe management measures requirements, travel advisory, personnel or public health requirements, the list goes on. Does the organisation have the right set-up to monitor the ever fluid requirements and ensure COMPLIANCE? Is the organisation FIRE FIGHTING to understand REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS, or whose RESPONSIBILITY is it? Resilient management needs to be an INTEGRATED effort:..